mission & structure

Our mission is to provide affordable and accessible acupuncture in a group setting, Chinese herbal medicine, and other forms of holistic healthcare. By offering relief from pain, stress, and isolation, we aim to contribute to the well-being of individual people, and the strength of our community as a whole.

We are incorporated as a non-profit corporation in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, and are recognized by the IRS as a tax-exempt public charity under section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. tax code.

Click here to read our 990 from 2024 (opens PDF).

Click here to read our 990 from 2023 (opens PDF).

Click here to read our 990 from 2022 (opens PDF).

We are part of the community acupuncture movement.

Because acupuncture does not have to be expensive in order to be effective ❧ Because military budgets balloon while health care is cut ❧ Because nothing breaks through the isolation of pain, illness and depression like healing in a room with other humans ❧ Because our favourite way to spread the word about how well acupuncture works is to make it available to people ❧ Because we are pleased to challenge the notion of value being attached to price ❧ Because there aren’t enough spaces where strangers switch off cell phones and slumber side by side ❧ Because for thousands of years acupuncture has been practiced in groups ❧ Because returning acupuncture to its roots makes us the happiest of humble radicals ❧ Because the vast majority of us love our work so much we couldn’t imagine doing anything else –
We are a part of the community acupuncture movement.

We strive to practice from a Liberation Acupuncture framework. What is Liberation Acupuncture? (from LiberationAcupuncture.org, accessed on Dec. 8, 2020)

Liberation Acupuncture is a conceptual framework for acupuncture that affirms that individual health and disease do not exist, and cannot be understood or addressed, apart from social conditions – particularly injustice, inequality, and the pervasive influence of traumatic stress.

Liberation Acupuncture is a praxis that begins with the needs and the perspectives of the oppressed, the exploited, and the excluded. Liberation acupuncture defines what is valuable in acupuncture theory and practice by determining what is useful and valuable to oppressed people. 

We are a proud clinic member of the People’s Organization of Community Acupuncture (POCA). Join POCA to support community acupuncture around the world at: pocacoop.com

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