Cancel or change an appointment
How do I change or cancel an appointment?
If your appointment is 12 or more hours away, use the buttons inside of your emails from us:
- Look at any of your confirmation or reminder emails for that appointment.
- These are sent automatically by our online scheduling system.
- Don’t see them? Search for “”
- Scroll to the bottom of the email.
- Click the red “Change/Cancel Appointment” button.
- Follow the directions to change OR cancel your appointment!
- This will immediately open the time slot for someone else.
- Here is an image of what the button looks like:

If your appointment is sooner than 12 hours away, please call or text!
Reach us by calling or texting the clinic cell phone at 617-506-3868. We will be sure to see it and can change the schedule ASAP!
Please: do not email about rescheduling or canceling an appointment.
Email is not a way to reschedule or cancel an appointment at BAP. We will probably not see it in time to change the schedule 12+ hours prior, so an email does not count as canceling or rescheduling.
Clinic policy requires 12 or more hours to change or cancel a community acupuncture appointment.
A late cancel/reschedule fee applies if you cancel or reschedule with less than 12 hours to go before your appointment (or 24 hours for a Bubble Block or massage appointment) for any non-illness, non-emergency reason. As a patient, your responsibility is to give at least 12 hours’ notice (24 hours for Bubble Blocks/massage) to cancel an appointment. You must also give the 12 hours’ notice (or 24 hours for Bubble Block/massage) to change it to another day.
We know that things come up, but with how little we charge, we need everyone to be responsible for keeping appointments. If you don’t show up, or if you cancel on short notice, it impacts our operations and may prevent another patient from getting the acupuncture they need.
What if I get sick?
We not only ask that you cancel if you are sick, we require it! When you schedule, you agree to cancel or reschedule if you come into close contact with someone who is COVID+, if you test positive for COVID, or if you develop any of the following symptoms:
- runny or stuffy nose (nasal congestion)
- post-nasal drip (new or worsening)
- sore throat (new or worsening)
- cough or shortness of breath (new, unusual, or worsening)
- fatigue (new or worsening)
- headache (new or unusual)
- fever of over 100 .4°F or feeling feverish or chilled
- diarrhea or nausea (new or worsening)
- unexplained body aches
If you are experiencing any of these, we thank you very much for canceling. You will not be charged.
What if I have an emergency?
Please contact us by phone as soon as you can to let us know that you had to cancel or no-show due to an emergency. We will not charge you.
What if I don’t know how I will feel that day?
Plenty of our patients have health conditions that make it difficult to know how they will be feeling on the day of an appointment.
We encourage everyone who has difficulty keeping appointments to schedule same-day appointments. You can book a return visit online as soon as one hour before that time. You can also contact us by calling or texting 617-506-3868 to ask if there is any availability. We want to make it possible for you to come in, whenever you can come in!
What we can’t do is save a time slot that will not be used.
Thanks for understanding! We look forward to seeing you soon.