Acupuncture Outdoors in Summer 2022

Boston Acupuncture Project still offers Bubble Block appointments at the clinic during our regular clinic hours.

What is a “Bubble Block”?

Bubble Blocks reserve the clinic for one full hour, for up to 4 people. (Or just for yourself!)

The name comes from earlier in the pandemic, when many people were only interacting with others in their “bubble.”

Bubble Blocks cost $100 minimum – add $10 for each new (first-time) patient. Anyone new should fill out health history and consent forms before you arrive. 24 hours’ notice is required to cancel or reschedule a Bubble Block.

Outdoor Appointments

This summer, Bubble Blocks head outdoors – to your back yard!

Interested in hosting a Bubble Block at your outdoor location?

Call or text us at 617-506-3868 or fill out the Outdoor Acupuncture Appointment Request Form online (click here).

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