Free Acupuncture Raffle: Bring Your Own Blanket!
Every time you bring your own clean blankets to your acupuncture appointment (instead of using our blankets) from now through December 23, 2023, you will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win 2 consecutive weeks of FREE community acupuncture!*
We recommend packing a clean, reusable shopping bag with a light fleece throw blanket (or two, or three). You can also add a large towel or small pillow which goes on your lap to hold the blanket above any pins that might be placed in your lower legs.
(If you don’t know, that is how we keep people cozy here: personalized blanket forts.)
Bringing your own blankets helps save us time and money on laundry.
Winner chosen on Dec. 26, 2023 will be contacted by both phone and email, and can then choose when to start the free 2 weeks anytime in the year 2024.
*Please note: winnings are regular community acupuncture treatments during regularly scheduled hours only. Appointments strongly recommended and face masks required for all.