Special Offer for New Sustainers
At BAP, we’re on a mission to keep our community healthy and thriving. Our sustainers help make our work possible with their monthly donations. Here’s why our sustainers are so important to us! To give right now, just click here. Don’t forget to select the monthly donation option!
Why Sustainers?
Planned monthly donations are vital to the well-being of BAP, for so many reasons! They allow us to plan our budget, ride out bumps in the road, and show potential funders how much our community values our work.
Help Us Root
Monthly gifts let our neighbors who value BAP commit to us, and in turn let us commit to our neighborhood. As the forces of displacement continue to hit Boston hard, monthly donations let us budget and plan to pay our rent and our staff, even when so much about our city is in flux. They let us plan to keep being here to keep you healthy.
Help Us Live
Monthly donations allow us to ride out the inevitable bumps in the road–a month full of blizzards, or the illness of a staff member. This means that rather than scrambling to stay afloat when a problem hits, we can keep focusing on giving the care that you, and the rest of our community, count on.
Help Us Grow
When we have monthly donors, it helps us get grants to build new programs, try new things, and make a more comfortable space for your community acupuncture. Foundations and granters see our support from the community, and are more likely to give us additional money to continue the work that our donors clearly value. This could mean that we can provide new forms of care for you, or that we can reach more of our neighbors with additional programming.
Feeling the Love
And of course, the less practical reason–if you donate monthly, that means that every month we get to see your name come through with your donation, and feel your love of BAP–which keeps us going and gives us joy!
Sustainers Circle
By donating $7 or more per month, you can join our Sustainers Circle. This gives you first dibs on all new products and classes at BAP, a quarterly newsletter about our community outreach, and an annual Q&A with BAP’s lead acupuncturist. You’ll also get a free Ear Seeds DIY Kit if you become a monthly sustainer at ANY amount by 12/21/2023!

Click below to give now. Don’t forget to select the “monthly” donation option. Thanks for all the ways you are a part of our Boston Acupuncture Project community!