Volunteers needed for May 5!

Hi everyone, Ren here. I’m looking for volunteers for our big May Day Celebration coming up on Sunday, May 5. Can you help out with any of these things?

Set up tent, chairs, tables, etc. (9:30-10:30 AM)

Model for clinic photoshoot (10-11 AM)

Sign people up for free treatments and/or give clinic tours (anytime from 11 AM – 2 PM)

Clean up from event (anytime from 2-4 PM)

Since we’re offering everyone free acupuncture treatments on May 5 – if you’re helping out that day, you can get a free treatment at another time! Please reach out to me at 617-506-3868 (or in person) if you’re interested in helping or want more information.

Thanks so much!

Sliding Scale Guidelines for our $30-$50 Community Acupuncture Treatments

Boston Acupuncture Project builds community by providing widely accessible and affordable acupuncture. Boston Acupuncture Project is here for you – and thanks to you. But what does the “sliding scale” really mean?

We need to average $40 per visit.

We want to keep our sliding scale at $30-$60 for as long as possible. In order to continue to stay open and provide treatments, our clinic needs to average $40 per visit. (This assumes we’re averaging 50 visits per week.) This is a literal average – every dollar counts! But to keep it simple, let’s break it into 3 tiers:

When you pay . . . . $50 or more: it helps us keep the low end at $30, save, grow. $40: sustainer rate - keeps BAP going! $30: makes it possible for more people (YOU) to get acupuncture!

Paying $50 or more helps us keep the low end of the sliding scale at $30, save for emergencies, and potentially even grow to have more open hours, more programs, and more staff.

Paying $40 helps sustain Boston Acupuncture Project financially. Thank you! This is the average payment we need to keep things running, assuming enough people are coming in.

If you are only able to pay $30, thank you so much – please keep paying $30 per visit.

If you need to pay $30, we want you to pay $30.

No matter how much you pay, we want you to be able to get as much acupuncture as you need to see a real difference in your health concerns. Not only does your life improve, but then you can tell other people about how acupuncture helped you! And that helps us reach more new patients, and fulfill our mission.

So, if paying more than $30 would prevent you from getting as much acupuncture as you need, we do not want you to pay more than $30. We want you to get enough acupuncture. There are also plenty of ways you can help BAP keep our doors open that are not paying more on the sliding scale, if you’re interested!

If $30 puts acupuncture out of reach for you

If you are not able to pay $30 per visit, please talk to your acupuncturist! Generous community members who love getting acupuncture at BAP donate Pay It Forward treatments for neighbors unable to pay $30. (If you would like to donate a Pay It Forward treatment, please click here to visit our donation page.)

We want you to know that every dollar counts.

If you are able, paying above $30 makes a real difference for us.

We are counting on you to ask yourself the question. We can’t stay open if we can’t meet our financial obligations.

How do I know how much I can pay?

This is very personal. Below is one framework for thinking about where you might fall on our sliding scale. Thanks for being thoughtful!

3 bottles under a heading The Green Bottle - where you fall on the sliding scale. Vertical axis is labeled financial privilege - how full the bottles are. Horizontal axis is labeled Personal Financial Experience - what you experience inside each bottle. Bottle on left is full. It says: I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs; I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs; I own my home OR I rent a higher end property; I own or lease a car; I am employed OR do not need to work to meet my needs; I have regular access to health care and financial savings; I have expendable income; I can always buy new items; I can afford time off or a vacation. Middle bottle is half full. It says: I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them; I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs; I own or lease a car; I am employed; I have access to health care; I might have access to financial savings; I have some expendable income; I am able to buy some new items and thrift others; I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden. Bottle on the right has very little and says: I frequently stress about meeting my basic needs and don't always achieve them; I have debt and sometimes it prohibits me from meeting my basic needs; I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing; I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but am not always able to afford gas; I am unemployed or underemployed; I qualify for government assistance including food stamps and health care; I have no or very limited expendable income; I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them; I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden. Bottom says that Basic Needs include food, housing, and transportation. Expendable income means you are able to buy a coffee, go to the movies or a concert, buy a new book or clothing or similar items every month, etc. Designed by Alexis J. Cunningfolk at WortsAndCunning.com

May Day Celebration 2024

Dee poses in front of the windows at Boston Acupuncture Project which she has painted with flowers and the words awaken, heal, energize, thrive, grow. Book online at Boston Acupuncture Project dot com.

From 11:00 AM – 2:00 PM:

  • Free acupuncture
  • Chair massage with Imani Massage
  • Clinic tours
  • Wrap up our Spring Fundraiser
  • Learn more about Boston Acupuncture Project.
  • Bonus: join us from 2-3 PM to talk about how BAP is doing, what we’re planning, and how to get more involved!

Please note this is a Sunday. We are packing up at 2 PM, so please arrive early for a free treatment! First come, first served.

If you’re a current or former patient, please consider volunteering!

Fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders

As a small offering of solidarity for those facing devastating violence, BAP hosts a fundraiser for Doctors Without Borders on Sunday, Dec. 3, from 2-5 PM.

Come in for an acupuncture treatment during this event, and 100% of net proceeds from acupuncture treatments on this day (minus fees charged by our credit card processors) will be donated to Doctors Without Borders. (Click to donate directly.)

Recommended donation: $40-$100

No one will be turned away for lack of funds.

Please register or stop by to join us.

$5 Friday Celebrating BAP’s 5th Birthday

Image of banner $5 Friday Event. Celebrating 5 years in H.P. Save your spot online for Friday, November 17, 4 to 6 P.M.

UPDATE: if you are not able to schedule, it means we are fully booked. However, we do have some space for walk-ins, so please stop by! You can also text to check for last minute availability on 11/17: 617-506-3868.

Book a regular community acupuncture appointment anytime on our regular sliding scale of $25-$55 (add $10 for first visits).

You can watch our How To Schedule video on YouTube.


Come in from 4-6 PM and get an acupuncture treatment with no intake for just $5. (Please bring cash!)

The perfect time to try us out if you’ve been curious!

Appointments strongly recommended. Face masks required. Click this link to save your spot.


Free Acupuncture Raffle: BYO Blanket in February!

Every time you bring your own clean blankets to your acupuncture appointment (instead of using any of our blankets) from now through February 28, 2023, you will be entered into a raffle for a chance to win 2 consecutive weeks of FREE community acupuncture!

Use both weeks for yourself, OR share the acupuncture love: you can give one week away to one other person.

We recommend packing a clean, reusable shopping bag with a light fleece throw blanket (or two, or three). You can also add a large towel or small pillow which goes on your lap to hold the blanket above any pins that might be placed in your lower legs. If you know you like a blanket for behind your neck, or your head, or over your shoulders – please bring one of those, too!

(If you don’t know, that is how we keep people cozy here: personalized blanket forts.)

Bringing your own blankets helps save us time and money on laundry.

Winner chosen on March 1, 2023 will be contacted by both phone and email, and can then choose when to start the free 2 weeks anytime in the year 2023.

(Please note: winnings are regular community acupuncture treatments during regular hours only. Two weeks = 14 consecutive calendar days. Appointments and masks are required for all redeeming appointments.)

New Sliding Scale Guidelines

Our sliding scale has not changed. Boston Acupuncture Project builds community by providing widely accessible and affordable acupuncture. Boston Acupuncture Project is here for you – and thanks to you. But what does the sliding scale really mean?

We need to average $35 per visit.

We want to keep our sliding scale at $25-$55 for as long as possible. In order to continue to stay open and provide treatments, our clinic needs to average $35 per visit. (This assumes we’re averaging 40 visits per week.) This is a literal average – every dollar counts! But to keep it simple, let’s break it into 3 tiers:

Paying $45 or more helps us keep the low end of the sliding scale at $25, save for emergencies, and potentially even grow to have more open hours, more programs, and more staff.

Paying $35 helps sustain Boston Acupuncture Project financially. Thank you! This is the average payment we need to keep things running.

If you are only able to pay $25, thank you so much – please keep paying $25 per visit.

If you need to pay $25, we want you to pay $25.

No matter how much you pay, we want you to be able to get as much acupuncture as you need to see a real difference in your health concerns. Not only does your life improve, but then you can tell other people about how acupuncture helped you! And that helps us reach more new patients, and fulfill our mission.

So, if paying more than $25 would prevent you from getting as much acupuncture as you need, we do not want you to pay more than $25. We want you to get enough acupuncture. There are also plenty of ways you can help BAP keep our doors open that are not paying more on the sliding scale, if you’re interested!

If $25 puts acupuncture out of reach for you

If you are not able to pay $25 per visit, please talk to your acupuncturist! Generous community members who love getting acupuncture at BAP donate Pay It Forward treatments for neighbors unable to pay $25. (If you would like to donate a Pay It Forward treatment, please click here to visit our donation page.)

We want you to know that every dollar counts.

If you are able, paying above $25 makes a real difference for us.

We are counting on you to ask yourself the question. We can’t stay open if we can’t meet our financial obligations.

How do I know how much I can pay?

This is very personal. Below is one framework for thinking about where you might fall on our sliding scale. Thanks for being thoughtful!

3 bottles under a heading The Green Bottle - where you fall on the sliding scale. Vertical axis is labeled financial privilege - how full the bottles are. Horizontal axis is labeled Personal Financial Experience - what you experience inside each bottle. Bottle on left is full. It says: I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs; I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs; I own my home OR I rent a higher end property; I own or lease a car; I am employed OR do not need to work to meet my needs; I have regular access to health care and financial savings; I have expendable income; I can always buy new items; I can afford time off or a vacation. Middle bottle is half full. It says: I may stress about meeting my basic needs but still regularly achieve them; I may have some debt but it does not prohibit attainment of basic needs; I own or lease a car; I am employed; I have access to health care; I might have access to financial savings; I have some expendable income; I am able to buy some new items and thrift others; I can take a vacation annually or every few years without financial burden. Bottle on the right has very little and says: I frequently stress about meeting my basic needs and don't always achieve them; I have debt and sometimes it prohibits me from meeting my basic needs; I rent lower-end properties or have unstable housing; I do not have a car and/or have limited access to a car but am not always able to afford gas; I am unemployed or underemployed; I qualify for government assistance including food stamps and health care; I have no or very limited expendable income; I rarely buy new items because I am unable to afford them; I cannot afford a vacation or have the ability to take time off without financial burden. Bottom says that Basic Needs include food, housing, and transportation. Expendable income means you are able to buy a coffee, go to the movies or a concert, buy a new book or clothing or similar items every month, etc. Designed by Alexis J. Cunningfolk at WortsAndCunning.com

October 2022 Special Discount for Co-op Members

Co-op Month October 2022 By The Community For The Community Co-ops banner by Shareable.net

October is Co-op Month! To celebrate, BAP offers 20% OFF up to 3 community acupuncture treatments* for co-op members this month.

First Visits for $28 (regularly $35-$65)
Return Visits for $20 (regularly $25-$55)

You can belong to any local co-op (let us know which one!) but we are highlighting our friends at Dorchester Food Co-op.

Dorchester Food Co-op is building a community- and worker-owned grocery store to challenge the traditional food system and instead create an asset that nourishes, employs, and reinvests in the local community.

*treatments/visits being discounted for co-op members are regular community acupuncture treatments in October 2022; this special does not apply to Bubble Blocks and cannot be combined with any other special offers or discounts. Thanks for understanding!

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